Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Introducing Baby Akin! (or Blob Akin)

We have a baby and it's the most beautiful little blob I have ever seen! (The baby is the little white thing in the middle of that big black hole, in case you're not sure what to look for :) )

We were hopeful that we'd see a baby, but still wanted to be prepared for the worst, just in case. After what felt like hours, the technician came in and began the ultrasound. It wasn’t long before we saw a little white blob on the screen that we knew wasn’t there last week. Obviously, we were thrilled! There was our baby! The baby was measuring 5 weeks 4 days, which means that I’ve only been pregnant for 3 weeks. According to those measurements, I got pregnant on April 29th. But, I got my first positive pregnancy test on April 23rd, and then got two more on April 24th. Confused? There is absolutely no medical explanation for what’s going on and we are perfectly content with that. I believe that I probably did have a blighted ovum and after everyone’s prayers, God put a baby there. Not that I'm suggesting it was imaculate conception. :) We're going in for another ultrasound next Wednesday, June 2nd and they are hoping to hear a heartbeat. If they do, then everything should be okay. But if not, then the baby probably isn’t developing like it should and that could explain why I’m measuring so small. So, please pray that we hear a heartbeat! My doctor is sure that everything is okay because my Progesterone levels (another hormone involved in pregnancy) are so high. My levels were at 25 and she said that most of the time, if a woman is going to miscarry, the levels are 15 or below. That was definitely encouraging.

This is the third time I’ve been 5 weeks pregnant. ha. I would love it if I could just make it to 8 weeks! At my first ultrasound, I thought I was 6 weeks 6 days, and yesterday I thought I was 7 weeks 1 day. This could be the longest pregnancy in history, but I'm going to enjoy every second of it.

Thank you so much for your prayers! You are all a part of this little miracle and I can't wait for you to meet him/her so you can see what life you have been a part of from the VERY beginning.


  1. Well, I have to agree, that IS the most beautiful blob ever! Praying for a heartbeat next week! Love you, all 3 of you! :)

  2. You're RIGHT...That IS the BEST SIGHT EVER! Glad you're levels went up and we're continuing to pray!

  3. I'm still rejoicing over this. Lailey and I prayed for her cousin tonight like we always do. Here's to happy baking!

  4. I have had you in my prayers and I will continue to do so. I can't wait to see more pictures of your sweet little angel blob!
